

A Woman of Newport

A Woman of Newport Well, isn’t this a turn up? If you’d told an 18-year old Natalie that she’d one day be back home full time living and working in Newport with her face slapped on a poster advertising the…

Creating a New Story

I first met Kamila when my daughter and I visited her exhibition at the Escape rooms, Newport in 2019. We were both impressed, not just by the stunning character portraits captured in Kamila’s photography, but also by the diverse stories…


We all want something in life. For me, it was actual LIFE that I hoped for. If you are reading this today, I hope it will touch your life in some way so that next time you see a drug…

Strength in Body & Mind

As a Personal Fitness Trainer, my main passion is guiding people towards a healthier lifestyle. Every single body is unique; each with its own strengths and limitations. My method is to build a custom plan based on your shape, size,…

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